
For quite some time now, I’ve had a deep desire to find my place in God’s Kingdom and to be useful.  To know I’m right where I’m meant to be. But how?  One answer was volunteer somewhere.  One place kept popping up in my mind but I kept dragging my feet. First, the excuse was their limited volunteer hours.  Second, I didn’t want to give up my free time.  

How lame is that? Here I am asking God what I can do and I’m coming up with excuses to his suggestions.  I’m not so busy that an hour or two out of my time will hurt.  And my other obligations eventually cleared up allowing me to make their open volunteer times.

What am I so afraid of?  Why should we fear any answer God may give us?

Well, His answers could mean change or taking responsibility.  It could mean complications or challenges.  We are even afraid of the success and fulfillment God’s answer might bring. We are also afraid of failure and letting God and ourselves down.  

Fear is the ultimate deterrent and can disguise itself.  It’s probably Satan’s greatest weapon against us because it can strengthen any weakness or personal wound we have.  It can easily undermine our resolve and catch us off guard.

The good news: God can and will use us wherever we are in life, whatever we may or may not have done, whatever weakness we may have. We just need to be willing.  

The tough news: To be fully effective and efficient in what God wants, we need to learn to fight the fears that hold us back.  We need to learn to recognize them for what they are. We need to seek the truth.  Even if it’s just a tiny nudge forward, it counts.

The second answer God gave me was start a blog.  I thought about this and became excited.  I even built a webpage, picked out a name, and started a topic list.  Then the feet dragging began again.  I know I have some good thoughts and personal lessons to share. I know I could be helpful to others in sharing these things.  But I began to be afraid. What if no one read or responded? What if I couldn’t think of enough topics to keep it going.  Would it be worth it?  And even, what if it became successful?

Crazy, right?  The more I think about it, the more I see where the fear is and that it’s trying to keep me from moving forward.  This is proof that I am meant to volunteer and write a blog and in doing so, I will be useful to God’s kingdom.  

And that’s the last thing Satan wants.  So I push forward.

Welcome to my blog where we will explore, learn, and discuss what it means to find our place in God’s kingdom and become stronger followers of Christ.

Visit the Home page to learn more about me and why I started this blog.
I encourage respectful discussions, questions, and comments.  Visit the Contact page to send topic suggestions you’d like to hear my thoughts on the future.